The cycle of studies in Photography aims at the qualified training of artists and photographers endowed with skills and critical capacity to develop the photographic discourse in its various aspects, both professional and authorial.
In this sense, there is a strong practical component that enables the acquisition of technical skills and encourages experimentation and authorial development.
The theoretical component aims to develop discursive and critical skills, as well as a historical and political awareness, which encourages students to have an innovative and challenging practice.
In view of the rapid and successive transformations in the field of image making and, therefore, in the paradigms of photography, the course presents a wide range of curricular units that allow the transdisciplinarity between photography and areas that allow the exploration of other media and formats that are fundamental for a contemporary photographic discourse, supported by essential technical support and quality infrastructures and equipment..
Consultar relatórios em
1º Ano | ||
Unidade curricular | Período | ECTS |
Visual Anthropology | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Photography I | 1st Semester | 6.0 |
History of Photography | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Analog Lab | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Studio Practice I | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Theory and History of Art | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Archive and Preservation | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Printing Lab | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
Photographic Narratives | 2st Semester | 6.0 |
Studio Practice II | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
Sound and Image | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
Image Theory and Analysis | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
2º Ano | ||
Unidade curricular | Período | ECTS |
Contemporary Photography | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Photography II | 1st Semester | 6.0 |
Career Management | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Digital Lab I | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Digital Media Publication and Promotion | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Screenwriting (optional) | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
History of Film and Television (optional) | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
1st Semester | 5.0 | |
1st Semester | 5.0 | |
Communication Design | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
Photographic Essay | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Photography and Discourse | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
Project Methodologies in Photography | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Production | 2st Semester | 3.0 |
Seminars I | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Film Analysis (optional) | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
2st Semester | 5.0 | |
Sound I (optional) | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
2st Semester | 5.0 | |
2st Semester | 5.0 | |
Video I (optional) | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
3º Ano | ||
Unidade curricular | Período | ECTS |
Expanded Photography | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Photography III | 1st Semester | 6.0 |
Digital Lab II | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Project Planning and Management | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Seminars II | 1st Semester | 6.0 |
Video Art and Experimental Film | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Work placement | 2st Semester | 25.0 |
Final Project or Work placement | 2st Semester | 25.0 |
2st Semester | 5.0 | |
Cinematography (optional) | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
Audiovisual Editing and Post-Production (optional) | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
2st Semester | 5.0 |
- Professional opportunities are directed to artistic, technical and commercial areas: Artistic photography
- Photojournalism
- Fashion photography
- Advertising and architecture
- Photographic production for web platforms
- Documentary photography
- Management of photographic archives
- Editing of photographs for publications
- Digital image processing and printing.
Taking one of the following exams: (12) History of Arts and Culture; (18) Portuguese Minimum requirements: Application grade: 95 marks; Entrance exams: 95 marks
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