Home > News > 2021/2022 Erasmus Mobility Pre-applications
Published on: 28 January 2021

2021/2022 Erasmus Mobility Pre-applications

Pre-applications from 1 February 2021

Students interested in doing Erasmus Mobility for Studies and/or Mobility for Traineeships in the academic year 2021/2022 can present their pre-application from 1 February 2021 by completing and submitting the application form available here.

Students interested in doing Erasmus Mobility for Studies (SMS) and Mobility for Traineeships (SMT) must do an application for each type of mobility.

Students interested in doing Erasmus Mobility for Studies (SMS) must check ESMAD partners list . 

As in the previous year ESMAD grading criteria for awarding scholarships will not be applied. It will be applied FIFO strategy (First In, First Out) or FCFS (First Come, First Served) until the funds established for the respective type of mobility are exhausted so the pre-application form will be available permanently. 

After submitting the pre-application form (mandatory), students must access Moodle ESMAD to enrol in Services course unit Candidaturas Mobilidade Outgoing” and upload and submit the application documents required. 

For more information check ESMAD website.

For further information contact Campus 2 IRO: internacional-campus2@sc.ipp.pt.

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